期 刊->Honghui Dong,Fuzhao Chen,Zhipeng Wang*,Limin Jia,Yong Qin,and Jie Man,An Adaptive Multi Sensor
Fault Diagnosis Method for High Speed Train Traction Converters,IEEE Transactions on Power
期 刊->Ma, Xiaoping; Dong, Honghui; Liu, Xiang; et al. An Optimal Communications Protocol for Maximizing Lifetime of Railway Infrastructure Wireless Monitoring Network,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, Volume: 14, Issue: 8, Aug. 2018(SCI)
期 刊->X. Ma, H. Dong, X. Liu, L. Jia, G. Xie and Z. Bian,,Adaptive
Optimization of Multi-Hop Communication Protocol for Linear Wireless Monitoring
Networks on High-Speed Railways,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,Volume: 20, Issue: 6, June 2019(SCI)
期 刊-> Honghui Dong,Wang,Zhang,Ruisi He,Limin Jia,Yong Qin,Improved Robust Vehicle Detection and Identification
Based on Single Magnetic Sensor,IEEE ACCESS,6//,5247-5255,2018(SCI)
期刊->Fei Su,Honghui Dong,Limin Jia,Xuan Sun,On urban road traffic state evaluation index system
and method,Modern Physics Letters B,Vol 1/,15/,8-13,2017(SCI)
期 刊-> Fei Su,Honghui Dong,Limin Jia,Zhao Tian,Xuan Sun,Space-time correlation analysis of traffic flow on
road network,Vol 31/,5/,1-25,2017(SCI)
期 刊-> Yanfang Yang,Limin Jia,Shixiu Han,Honghui Dong,Understanding structure of urban traffic network based
on spatial-temporal correlation analysis,Vol 31/,22/,1-19,2017(SCI)
期 刊-> Honghui Dong, Mingchao Wu, Xiaoqing Ding, Lianyu Chu, Limin Jia, Yong Qin, Xuesong Zhou, Traffic Zone Division based on Big Data from Mobile Phone Base Stations, Transportation Research Part C, Vol 58, 278-291, 2015 (SCI)
期 刊-> DONG Hong-hui, SUN Xiao-liang, JIA Li-min, LI Hai-jian, QIN Yong, Traffic condition estimation with pre-selection space time model. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2012, Vol.19 (1):206-212, DOI: 10.1007/s11771-012-0993-6 (SCI)
期 刊-> Tian Yin, Dong Hong-hui, Jia Li-min, Li Si-yu, vehicle
re-identification algorithm based on multi-sensor correlation; JOURNAL OF
期 刊-> Haijian Li, Honghui Dong, Limin Jia, Moyu Ren, Shi Li,Analysis of factors that influence the sensor location problem for freeway corridors, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol.49(1):10-28,2015,(SCI)
期 刊-> LI Hai-jian, DONG Hong-hui, JIA Li-min, REN Mo-yu, QIN Yong, A new measure for evaluating spatially related properties of traffic information from sensor networks, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2014, (SCI)
期 刊-> XU DongWei, DONG HongHui, JIA LiMin, QIN Yong, Virtual speed sensors based algorithm for expressway traffic state estimation. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2012, Vol. 55(5):1381-1390.(SCI)
期 刊-> XU Dong-wei, DONG Hong-hui, JIA Li-min,TIAN Yin, Road traffic states estimation
based on matching of the regional traffic attracters, Journal of Central South
University of Technology, 2014, (SCI)
期 刊->Sun, Xiaoliang; Jia, Limin; Dong, Honghui; Qin, Yong, Guo Min.
Urban expressway traffic state forecasting based on multimode maximum entropy
model. SCIENCE CHINA TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2010, Vol.53 (10):2808-2806 (ISSN:
期 刊->Tian, Yin; Dong, Hong-hui; Jia, Li-min; The Bilevel Design Problem for
Communication Networks on Trains: Model, Algorithm, and Verification, MATHEMATICAL
PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2014, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 840619. (SCI)
期 刊->Li Haijian, Dong Honghui, Jia Limin, Ren Moyu, Vehicle classification with
single multi-functional magnetic sensor and optimal MNS-based CART, Measurement:
Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2014-4;55/September/142-152.
期 刊->XU DongWei, DONG HongHui, JIA LiMin, LI HaiJian, The estimation of road traffic
states based on compressive sensing, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics,
2014. (SCI)
期 刊->Xiaoping Ma,Honghui Dong,Limin Jia,Ruhao Zhao,Lifetime Maximum Strategy for Wireless Sensor Network
Using Cluster-based Method,Vol //,395-405,2017(EI)
期 刊->苏飞,董宏辉,贾利民,孙璇.基于时空相关性的城市交通路网关键路段识别[J]。交通运输系统工程与信息,2017-06,17/,3/,213-221(EI)
期 刊-> 董宏辉,孙智源,葛大伟,秦勇,贾利民.基于高斯混合模型的铁路入侵物体目标识别方法[J]。中国铁道科学,2011-03,32(2),131:135 (EI)
期 刊-> 董宏辉,李海舰,贾利民,徐东伟,史元超,秦勇.基于道路检测器的交通信息空间特性分析[J]。北京工业大学学报,2011-10,37(10),1500:1504 (EI)
期 刊-> 董宏辉,孙晓亮,贾利民,秦勇.多模态的交通流量预测模型[J]。吉林大学学报(工学版),2011-05,41(3),645:649 (EI)
期 刊-> 董宏辉,贾利民,孙晓亮,李晨曦,秦勇.城市道路宏观路网交通状态评价方法的研究[J]。物流技术,2010-12,29(4),
期 刊-> 董宏辉,葛大伟,秦勇,贾利民.基于智能视频分析的铁路入侵检测技术研究[J]。中国铁道科学,2010-12,31(2),(EI)
期 刊-> 董宏辉,贾利民,孙晓亮,李晨曦,秦勇,郭敏.基于最大熵模型的城市快速路交通状态预测方法研究[J]。交通运输系统工程与信息,2010-12,10(2),
期刊->Yong Qin,Qing Zhang,Yanfang Yang,Honghui Dong,Xuewen Shi,Research of Adaptive Grid Index Map Matching,EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION,Vol //,710-716(ISTP)
会议论文->Honghui Dong,Jie Man,Xuzhao Wang,Kai Liu,Limin Jia,Yong Qin,Traffic Speed Estimation Using Mobile Phone Location
Data Based on Longest Common,2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITSC),2018-11.(EI)
会议论文->Honghui Dong,Shanshan Wang,Yue Zhou,Limin Jia,Yong Qin,Exploring Traffic Accident Locations from Natural
Language Based on Spatial Information Retrieval,The 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2017-07(EI)
会议论文->Honghui Dong,Xuzhao Wang,Yue Zhou,Kai Liu,Limin Jia,Yong Qin,Travel distance characteristics analysis using call
detail record data,The 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2017-07(EI)
会议论文->Honghui Dong,Kangwen Yang,Xiaoqing Cheng,Snow fluff detection and removal from video images,in Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,2017-11(EI)
会议论文->Honghui Dong, Kai Liu, Li-min Jia, Haijian Li, Yong Qin, Wei Ma, Pan Li, Xuesong Zhou, A Method of Road Traffic State Acquisition Based on Wireless Sensor Network, 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014.10.(EI)
会议论文->Honghui Dong, Xiaoqing Ding, Mingchao Wu, Li-min Jia, Yong Qin, Shi Yan, Lianyu Chu, Urban Traffic Commuting Analysis Based on Mobile Phone Data, 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014.10.(EI)
会议论文->Honghui Dong, Xianpeng Xia, Limin Jia, Yin Tian, Haijian Li, Junqing Tang, Yong Qin, Quantitatively Analysis of Train Communication Network Based on Multi-Attribute Utility Function, 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014.10.(EI)
Dong, Mingchao Wu, Qingchao Shan, etc. Urban Residents
Travel Analysis Based on Mobile Communication Data, the 16th International IEEE
Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2013), ISBN:
978-0-7844-1039-4, (EI)
Dong, Limin Jia, Wei Jiang, Yong Qin, A Perceptual
Experiment Analysis on Level of Service in the road traffic, International
Conference on Transpotation Engineering 2009(ICTE 2009), ISBN:
978-0-7844-1039-4, Accession number: 20100112603304 (EI)
Dong, Limin Jia, Xiaoliang Sun, Yong Qin, An Experiment
Study on Level of Service for the Regional Road Traffic, 2009 Fifth
International Conference on Natural Computation, ISBN:978-0-7695-3736-8,
Product Number: P3736. (EI,ISTP)
Dong, Xiaoliang Sun, Limin Jia, Chenxi Li, Yong Qin, Road
Traffic Flow Prediction with a Time-Oriented ARIMA Model, 2009 Fifth International
Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3769-6, Accession
number: 20100212622153 (EI)
会议论文->Dong Honghui, Wu
Mingchao, Jin Maojing, Zhang Pengfei, Zhang Yu, Jia Limin, Qin Yong, A Fusion Model for Multi-source Detect Data
of Section Average Velocity Based, 2013 25th
Chinese Control and Decision Conference, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5532-2, Accession
number: 20133516668375,(EI)
会议论文-> 董宏辉,贾利民,江伟,秦勇.A Perceptual Experiment Analysis on Level of Service in the road traffic。International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2009,中国 成都,2009-12
会议论文-> 董宏辉,贾利民,孙晓亮,秦勇,李晨曦.An Experiment Study on Level of Service for the Regional Road Traffic。2009 Fifth International Conference on Natural Computation,中国 天津,2009-12
会议论文-> 董宏辉,秦勇,贾利民.Chinese Prosodic Word Prediction Using the Conditional Random Fields。2009 Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery,中国 天津,2009-12
会议论文-> 董宏辉.Chinese prosodic phrasing with the source-channel model。2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference,中国 桂林,2009-12
会议论文-> 董宏辉.Road Traffic Flow Prediction with a Time-Oriented ARIMA Model。2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC,韩国 首尔,2009-12
会议论文-> 董宏辉,贾利民.Road Traffic State Prediction with a Maximum Entropy Method。2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC,韩国 首尔,2009-12
会议论文-> Sun, Xiaoliang;Dong, Honghui;Zheng, Lei;Jia, Limin;Su, Fei;Liao, Yongquan, Design and Analysis of A Real-time Quality Evaluation Index For Expressways, the 2012 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2012
会议论文-> 承向军,董宏辉.Algorithm of VMS Site Optimization in Network Based on Comprehensive Route Impedance.ICECT 2011,India,263:263,2011-04