[1] Luo H, Nie L, He Z. Modeling of multi-train seat inventory control based on revenue management[C]// Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS), 2016 International Conference on. IEEE, 2017.
[2] Wu X, Nie L, Xu M. Robust fuzzy quality function deployment based on the mean-end-chain concept: service station evaluation problem for rail catering services[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2017.
[3] Wu X, Nie L, Xu M. Designing an integrated distribution system for catering services for high-speed railways: A three-echelon location routing model with tight time windows and time deadlines ☆[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2017, 74:212-244.
[4] Li W, Nie L. An optimization model of EMU circulation problem for high-speed railway[C]// International Conference on Materials Science. AIP Publishing LLC, 2017:443-456.
[5] Zhenhuan He, Liwei Zhang, Lei Nie, et al. A Super-Efficiency DEA Model with Preference to Evaluate Train Service Plan for High-Speed Railway[C]// 2017 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Statistics Application (AMMSA 2017). 2017.
[6] 赵莉莉, 聂磊, 付慧伶. 列车晚点条件下城际铁路座席模式对旅客延误的影响分析[J]. 铁道科学与工程学报, 2016, 13(9):1851-1858.
[7] Zhang X, Nie L. Integrating capacity analysis with high-speed railway timetabling: A minimum cycle time calculation model with flexible overtaking constraints and intelligent enumeration[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2016, 68:509-531.
[8] 王秀成, 贺振欢, 聂磊,等. 多层次高速铁路列车开行方案评价及优化方法研究[J]. 铁道运输与经济, 2016, 38(8).
[9] 童佳楠, 聂磊, 贺振欢. 基于遗传算法的动车运用所一级检修作业计划优化[J]. 铁道运输与经济, 2016, 38(8).
[10] Jia-nan Tong, Lei Nie, Zhen-huan He. Calculation of First-Level Maintenance Capacity in EMU Depot Based on the EMU Circulation Plan[C]. 2016 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering, Manufacturing Technology and Control(ICMEMTC 2016), 2016: 653-657.
[11] 江政杰, 聂磊, 贺振欢,等. 考虑检修能力约束的动车组交路计划优化模型与算法[J]. 铁道运输与经济, 2016, 38(10):77-82.
[12] 陈柯冰, 聂磊. 我国城际铁路运营管理模式探讨[J]. 综合运输, 2016(9):34-38.
[13] 张天伟, 聂磊, 贺振欢. 基于全线矩形天窗的高速铁路夕发朝至列车开行模式选择优化模型[J]. 铁道学报, 2015(2):1-9.
[14] 徐广岩, 聂磊. 动车组列车客座率预测方法研究[J]. 综合运输, 2015(12):63-67.
[15] Wu X, Nie L, Xu M, et al. Service Station Selection Problem for Catering Service of High-Speed Railway: A Two-Phrase Fuzzy QFD Approach[C]// Cictp 2015. Efficient, Safe and Green Multimodal Transportation. Cota International Conference of Transportation Professionals. Proceedings. 2015.
[16] Wu X, Nie L, Xu M. Service Station Evaluation Problem in Catering Service of High-Speed Railway: A Fuzzy QFD Approach Based on Evidence Theory[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015(3):1-25.
[17] Tong L, Nie L, Guo G C, et al. Study on Search Algorithm of Passenger Travel Route in Railway Transport Network[J]. Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 2015, 9(1):2436-2444.
[18] Tong L, Nie L, He Z, et al. Optimization of Train Trip Package Operation Scheme[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015(1):1-8.
[19] Leng N, Nie L, Guo G, et al. Passenger Flow Forecasting for Chinese High Speed Rail Network[C]// International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronic, Industrial and Control Engineering. 2015.
[20] Leng N, Nie L, Wu X. A Practical Method of Passenger Flow Forecasting for Nanning-Guangzhou and Guiyang-Guangzhou High-Speed Rail[J]. 2015.
[21] 郭根材, 聂磊. 瑞士铁路旅客运输组织分析及启示[J]. 综合运输, 2015(3):90-93.
[22] 郭根材, 聂磊, 佟璐. 高速铁路网周期性列车运行图接续约束生成模型[J]. 铁道学报, 2015(8):1-7.
[23] Fu H, Nie L, Meng L, et al. A hierarchical line planning approach for a large-scale high speed rail network: The China case[J]. Transportation Research Part A Policy & Practice, 2015, 75:61-83.
[24] Zou Y T, Nie L. Research on Passenger's Choice Behavior Based on Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway Ticket Data[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2014, 505-506:601-606.
[25] 聂磊,张渊,武鑫. 计算机编制高速铁路周期性列车运行图关键技术的研究. 中国铁道科学,2014.1
[26] 张天伟,聂磊,路晋. 高速铁路夕发朝至列车开行模式综合比选,交通运输系统工程与信息,2014;
[27] Huiling Fu,Lei Nie,Benjamin R. Sperry,Zhenhuan He. Train Stop Scheduling in a High-Speed Rail Network by Utilizing a Two-Stage Approach (Article ID 579130). Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2012.12. (SCI).
[28] 郭根材,聂磊,冷暖暖. 基于欧洲列车时刻表的列车衔接方案研究. 北京交通大学学报. 2012.12, Vol.36(6)
[29] 柳建,聂磊. 铁路客运服务网络路径搜索算法的研究与实现. 铁道运输与经济. 2012.12, Vol.34(12).
[30] 佟璐,聂磊,付慧伶. 基于复杂列车服务网络的客流分配方法研究. 铁道学报. 2012.10, Vol.34(10), pp7-15 (EI)
[31] 曾进, 于冉冉,郭靖,聂磊. Optimization Research of Transfer Services Plan Based on Heterogeneous Demand of Railway Passengers. 2012 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications 2012.07, pp877-882 (ISTP).
[32] 付慧伶,聂磊. Economy and efficiency oriented passenger flow organization: train stop schedule for high speed railway. 北京理工大学学报(英文版). 2011.12, Vol.11(12) , pp20-23. (EI)
[33] 曾进,任国睿,于冉冉,聂磊. The Pricing Study on Consumer Difference in High Speed Railway. The 4th Conference on Systems Science, Management Science & System Dynamics. 2011.12, pp.230-233. (ISTP)
[34] 佟璐,聂磊,付慧伶.高速铁路客运产品规划的客流分配分析. 综合运输. 2011.9, Vol.11(9) ,pp56-61
[35] 佟璐,聂磊,付慧伶. 基于运输组织模式导向的旅客列车开行方案模型研究. 大连交通大学学报,2011.6, Vol.32(3) ,pp26-32
[36] Fei Yan, Lei Nie, Huiling Fu, Lu Tong . Research on Optimization of Train ODs Scheme for High-speed Railways. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (ICIRT2011) 2011.7, pp423-427.
[37] 张天伟,聂磊. 铁路客运站选址模型. 交通运输工程学报. 2011.10,Vol.11(5), pp83-87, (EI)
[38] 聂磊,胡小风, 佟璐,付慧伶. 基于旅客列车开行方案的客流分配方法研究. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2011.3, Vol.11(3), pp87-92.
[39] 张天伟,高桂凤,罗玉屏,聂磊. 铁路客运站旅客最高聚集人数计算模型. 交通运输工程学报. 2011. 4, Vol.11(2), pp79-83. (EI)
[40] Nie L., Fei D.B., Liu C. G., Fu H.L., Tong L., Guo G.C. Service Level Based line planning for high-speed railways. Proceeding of 7th World Congress on High Speed Rail(III), 2010.12 China, pp 125-131. ISBN 978-7-89459-489-1
[41] 付慧伶, 聂磊, 杨浩, 佟璐.基于备选集的高速铁路列车开行方案优化方法研究[J].铁道学报,2010.12 Vol.32(6)pp.1-8.(EI)
[42] NIE Lei, HU Bisong, FU Huiling, TONG Lu. Analysis of the interaction between night train operation and maintenance time on passenger dedicated railway line[J]. Transportation Systems Engineering and Information, 2010, 10, Vol.10(5), pp66-72. (EI)
[43] D. Yang, L. Nie, Y. Tan, Z. He & Y. Zhang. Working out an incomplete cyclic train timetable for high-speed railways by computer. Proceedings of the 2010 COMPRAIL, China. pp889-900. ISSN 1743-3509.
[44] L. Nie, D.B. Fei, S.D. Zhou, H.L. Fu, L. Tong. Key issues on train line planning for Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway. Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Rail Conference, April 27-29, 2010, Urbana, Illinois, USA.
[45] 佟璐,聂磊,付慧伶.多式联运路径优化模型与方法研究.物流技术, 2010.5, Vol.29(5). pp57-60
[46] 解晓灵, 张星臣, 聂磊. 日本客运大通道各种运输方式分工解析. 综合运输, 2010.02, pp72-76.
[47] 曾进, 聂磊, 周华英. A pricing model based on time utility in passenger dedicated railway. The Second International Conference of Transportation Engineering, 2009. 978-0-7844-1039-4
[48] 聂磊, 高艺, 佘亮. 首都机场快线客运需求预测与运营方式研究, 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2009.4, Vol.9(4), pp151-158
[49] 付慧伶, 聂磊, 杨浩. 基于欧洲列车时刻表的高速列车行车组织方案分析, 北京交通大学学报, 2009.6, Vol.33(3) pp45-51.
[50] 谢美全, 聂磊. 周期性列车运行图编制模型研究. 铁道学报, 2009.8, Vol.31(4), pp7-13.(EI) [29]
[51] Fu Hui-ling, Nie Lei, Yang Hao, Zhao Feng. Study on the dynamic relationship between passenger flow and train service plan for intercity railway lines. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE/SOLI, Beijing, China.
[52] 付慧伶, 聂磊.基于枢纽的客运专线列车运行方案研究[J]. 综合运输,2008.7, pp52-54
[53] 聂磊, 廉文彬. 国外高速铁路列车运行组织方案的特点分析. 中国铁路, 2008.2, pp74-78
[54] 费东斌, 聂磊. 旅客联合运输安全管理系统设计. 中国铁路, 2008.5, pp13-18
[55] 郭嘉, 聂磊. 铁路客运专线联合运输关键技术研究, 铁道运输与经济, 2008.3,Vol.30(3) ,pp28-31
[56] 锁嘉, 聂磊. 基于铁路客运专线的旅客联合运输安全问题研究. 中国安全科学学报. 2007.9, vol 17(9), pp78-86
[57] 周巍哲,聂磊,铁路安全教育培训方式的改进,铁道运输与经济. 2006.3, Vol.28(3)
[58] 匡艳,聂磊,铁路运输安全虚拟现实模拟培训系统研究,铁路计算机应用. 2005.1 , Vol.10(1)
[59] Lei Nie, Ingo A. Hansen. System analysis of train operations and track occupancy at railway stations, EJTIR (European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research), 2005 Vol.5(3 ) , pp 31-54.
[60] Nie Lei, Guiping Xiao. Safety Operation on High speed Railway. 2004 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology(ISSST), Shanghai, China, Oct. 25-28, 2004
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[62] Nie, L.., Hansen, I.A. (2003) Improvement of Train Scheduling in China Using Dynamic Approaches. The World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR2003), Edinburgh, UK.
[63] Nie, L., Xiao G.P., and Yang H. (2002) A Simulation System of Transportation Management on High-speed Railway. American Society of Civil Engineers-the 7th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation (AATT’2002). Massachusetts, USA..
[64] Nie, L., Xiao, G.P., Yang H. (2002).Simulation Analysis to the Operation of Station Track On High-speed Railway. Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, (ICTTS’2002, published by American Society of Civil Engineers), Guilin, China.
[65] 肖贵平, 聂磊, 禹志阳 (2002). 青藏铁路行车安全保障信息系统研究. 中国安全科学学报. 2002.3.
[66] 聂磊, 张星臣, 赵鹏, 杨浩(2001). 高速铁路动车组运用的研究, 铁道学报. 2001.6, Vol.23(3), pp1-7. (EI)
[67] 聂磊, 赵鹏, 杨浩(2001). 高速铁路列车运行调整策略的研究. 铁道学报. 2001.8, Vol.23(4), pp1-6. (EI)
[68] 聂磊, 张星臣, 杨浩(2001). 高速铁路列车运行图结构的模拟分析. 第四届全国交通运输领域青年学术会议. 南京2001.6论文集.
[69] 韩延慧, 聂磊.(2001) 高速铁路合并式列车开行方案分析与设计. 铁道运输与经济, 2001.10, Vol.23(10), pp30-33
[70] 陈学东, 刘虎兴, 刘瑞阳, 聂磊(2001). 企业经济分析对效益运输的影响. 铁道运输与经济 Vol.23, 2001(增刊).
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