期 刊-> 孙晓亮,贾利民,董宏辉,秦勇,郭敏.Urban expressway traffic state forecasting based on multimode maximum entropy model[J]。中国科学,2010-12,53(10),2806:2808
期 刊-> 王洋,徐杰,贾利民,郭建媛,康亚舒.Research on Emergency Plan Management System for High-Speed Railway[J]。Advanced Materials Research,2013-05,706(708),2099:2102
期 刊-> 魏秀琨,郭昆,贾利民,刘光武,袁敏政.Fault Isolation of Light Rail Vehicle Suspension System Based on D-S Evidence Theory and Improvement Application Case[J]。Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications,,2013-11,2013(5),245:253
期 刊-> 谢征宇,贾利民,秦勇,王力,于革.铁路客运枢纽视频监控采集点布设模型[J]。中南大学学报(自然科学版),2013-07,44(vol.44 (Suppl.2) ),254:257
期 刊-> 谢征宇,贾利民,秦勇,王力.Background Modeling of Moving Object Detection in High-speed Railway Transport Hub Video Surveillance[J]。Journal of Convergence Information Technology,2013-05,8(9),44:52
期 刊-> 康亚舒,徐杰,贾利民,郭建媛,张新.Review and Perspective of Theories and Methods About Emergency Evacuation Plans for UMT Station[J]。Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2013-11, 254( 254),771:778
期 刊-> 王莉,秦勇,徐杰,豆飞,贾利民.中国铁路车流网拓扑性质[J]。北京理工大学学报(自然科学版),2012-12,s1(32),84:88
期 刊-> 王莉,秦勇,徐杰,贾利民.Tube-rail transportation system architecture[J]。Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition),2012-12,s2(21),151:158
期 刊-> 王艳辉,肖雪梅,贾利民.互操作信任的模糊变权动态综合评价方法[J]。计算机研究与发展,2012-06,49(6),1235:1242
期 刊-> 张媛,秦勇,邢宗义,贾利民,程晓卿.Roller bearing safety region estimation and state identification based on LMD–PCA–LSSVM[J]。Measurement,2013-04,3(46),1315:1324
期 刊-> 张媛,秦勇,贾利民.基于危险点分布比率SVM分类的轨道不平顺峰值安全域估计[J]。中南大学学报(自然科学版),2012-11,43(11),4533:4541
期 刊-> 张媛,秦勇,邢宗义,贾利民,陈波.基于EMD-PCA-LSSVM方法的滚动轴承安全域估计和状态辨识[J]。高技术通讯,2013-05,23(5),525:532
期 刊-> 张媛,秦勇,邢宗义,贾利民,陈波. 基于LMD-PCA-LSSVM的滚动轴承安全域估计和状态辨识方法[J]。振动与冲击,2013-10,32(20),172:178
期 刊-> 张媛,秦勇,邢宗义,贾利民,程晓卿.Safety region estimation and state identification of rolling bearing based on statistical feature extraction[J]。Shock and Vibration,2013-04,20(5),833:846
期 刊-> 魏强,魏秀琨,贾利民.FBG传感器在铁路监测中的应用[J]。中国铁路,2013-09,2013(9),96:99
期 刊-> 王莉,秦勇,徐杰,贾利民.A Fuzzy Optimization Model for High-Speed Railway[J]。Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2012-12,827073(2012),1:22
期 刊-> 魏秀琨,贾利民,柳海.A comparative study on fault detection methods of rail vehicle suspension systems based on acceleration measurements[J]。Vehicle System Dynamics,2013-03,51(5),700:720
期 刊-> 魏秀琨,贾利民,刘丽华.Fault Diagnosis for High Order Systems Based on Model Decomposition[J]。International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems,2013-01,11(1),75:83
期 刊-> 王洋,贾利民,徐杰,郭建媛,康亚舒.城市轨道交通突发事件客流诱导系统设计[J]。铁路计算机应用,2012-10,第21卷(2012年第10期),55:58
期 刊-> 王艳辉,肖雪梅,贾利民,王博彬.高速列车群运营安全保障仿真模拟试验平台设计[J]。中国铁道科学,2012-01,32(6),134:140
期 刊-> 程晓卿,贾利民,秦勇,张颖.铁路应急管理研究[J]。铁道学报,2012-03,34(3),7:13
期 刊-> 董宏辉,孙智源,葛大伟,秦勇,贾利民.基于高斯混合模型的铁路入侵物体目标识别方法[J]。中国铁道科学,2011-03,32(2),131:135
期 刊-> 董宏辉,李海舰,贾利民,徐东伟,史元超,秦勇.基于道路检测器的交通信息空间特性分析[J]。北京工业大学学报,2011-10,37(10),1500:1504
期 刊-> 董宏辉,孙晓亮,贾利民,秦勇.多模态的交通流量预测模型[J]。吉林大学学报(工学版),2011-05,41(3),645:649
期 刊-> 王艳辉,孙倩,李静,贾利民,蔡国强.铁路货运车辆运行状态安全评估方法及应用研究[J]。铁道学报,2011-04,Vol.33(2011·No.4),38:45
期 刊-> 蔡国强,贾利民,杨建伟.Improved Wavelet Neural Network Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Applicationin on fault Diagnosis of Railway Rolling Bearing[J]。JDCTA,2010-12,4(2),
期 刊-> 蔡国强,贾利民,杨建伟.Improved Wavelet Neural Network Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Applicationin on fault Diagnosis of Railway Rolling Bearing[J]。JDCTA,2010-12,4(2),
期 刊-> 董宏辉,贾利民,孙晓亮,李晨曦,秦勇.城市道路宏观路网交通状态评价方法的研究[J]。物流技术,2010-12,29(4),
期 刊-> 董宏辉,葛大伟,秦勇,贾利民.基于智能视频分析的铁路入侵检测技术研究[J]。中国铁道科学,2010-12,31(2),
期 刊-> 董宏辉,贾利民,孙晓亮,李晨曦,秦勇,郭敏.基于最大熵模型的城市快速路交通状态预测方法研究[J]。交通运输系统工程与信息,2010-12,10(2),
期 刊-> 张和生,周卓楠,潘成,杨军,贾利民.交通信息采集无线传感器网络节点部署的微粒群优化方法[J]。仪器仪表学报,2010-12,31(9),
期 刊-> 王卓,贾利民,秦勇.铁路行车事故预测分析方法分析与比较[J]。中国安全科学学报,2009-12,19(8),
期 刊-> 王卓,贾利民,秦勇.城市轨道交通危险因素分析与评价[J]。世界科技研究与发展,2009-12,31(5),
期 刊-> 王卓,贾利民,秦勇.Study of the structure design and optimization theory for a railway intelligent transportation system[J]。Journal of rail and rapid transit,2009-12,223(1),
期 刊-> 叶华,张和生,郑巨明,贾利民,王强.面向交通状态获取的嵌入式TCP通信方法[J]。仪器仪表学报,2009-12,30(4),
期 刊-> 揭志熹,张和生,贾利民,梁玉庆.CAN总线技术在交通状态获取传感器网络中的应用[J]。计算机测量与控制,2009-12,17(10),
期 刊-> 张和生,曹迅恺,王金东,贾利民.牵引设备安全评估实验系统的感应电动机优化控制[J]。电工技术学报,2009-12,24(2),
期 刊-> 韦洁,张和生,贾利民.面向状态监测的改进主元分析方法[J]。电子测量与仪器学报,2009-12,23(7),
期 刊-> 王卓,贾利民,秦勇.RAILWAY PASSENGER TRAFFIC VOLUME PREDICTION BASED ON NEURAL NETWORK[J]。Applied Artificial Intelligence An International Journal,2007-12,21(1),
期 刊-> 徐杰,贾利民,秦勇,王艳辉,王卓.城市轨道交通综合监控平台系统集成的研究[J]。铁道学报,2007-12,29(3),
期 刊-> 蔡国强,贾利民.基于决策树的轨道交通安全评估方法及其应用[J]。自然科学进展,2007-12,17卷(11期),
期 刊-> 徐杰,贾利民,秦勇.铁路智能运输系统通用信息平台的设计与实现[J]。中国铁道科学,2006-12,27(3),
期 刊-> 王卓,贾利民.铁路智能运输系统(RITS)定性与定量综合集成的设计与优化方法[J]。交通运输系统工程与信息,2006-12,6(5),
期 刊-> 王卓,贾利民.铁路智能运输系统结构设计方法[J]。中国铁道科学,2006-12,27(2),
期 刊-> 程晓卿,孙全欣,贾利民.Decision Assistant System of the Preplan for Railway Accident Rescue Based on Case-Based Reasoning[J]。traffic and transportation studies proceedings of ICTTS 2006,2006-12,论文集(论文集),
期 刊-> 王艳辉,贾利民,秦勇,王卓.基于B/S模式的生产管理信息系统研究与开发[J]。工矿自动化,2005-12,10(3),
会议论文-> 马慧茹,贾利民,张星臣,程晓卿.Study on Passenger Service Quality Gap Model and Management Selection Area in Rail Transit。Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering and Business Management,2013,武汉,1:1,2013-03
会议论文-> 魏秀琨,郭英,贾利民,柳海.Fault Detection of Rail Vehicle Suspension System Based on CPCA。2013 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems,Nice,700:700,2013-10
会议论文-> 马慧茹,贾利民,张星臣.Passenger Perceived Service Quality Control in Rail Transit based on Gap Model 。2013 Chinese Control Conference Proceedings of the 32nd CCC,西安,8172:8172,2013-07
会议论文-> 魏秀琨,刘琰,孙衢,贾利民,汪煜婷.Rail Vehicle Ride Comfort Prediction Based on Bogie Acceleration Measurements。25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,贵阳,3810:3810,2013-04
会议论文-> 魏秀琨,郭昆,贾利民,柳海.Fault Isolation for Light Rail Vehicle Suspension System based on Multi-sensor Information Fusion。25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,贵阳,3532:3532,2013-04
会议论文-> 王洋,徐杰,贾利民,郭建媛,康亚舒.Investigation on Passenger Guidance System for URT under Emergency Conditions。 8th International Conference on Information Science and Digital Content Technology (ICIS and IDCTA),韩国济州岛,449:449,2012-06
会议论文-> 豆飞,贾利民,徐杰,康亚舒.Research on Train Dispatching Model Based on the Passenger Flow during Holidays。The Third International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainablity of Modern Railway,南昌,767:767,2012-09
会议论文-> 田书广,王艳辉,贾利民,秦勇,祝凌曦.The Application of Tube Rail Integrated Protection and Control System Based on the Interoperation of Information System。2012 2nd International Conference on Aerospace Engineering and Information Technology,Nanchang,China,213:213,2012-05
会议论文-> 黄雅坤,王艳辉,祝凌曦,贾利民,秦勇.Risk Assessment of TubeRail Operation Based on Grey Correlation。2012 2nd International Conference on Aerospace Engineering and Information Technology,Nanchang,China,220:220,2012-05
会议论文-> 魏秀琨,贾利民,柳海.Data-Driven Fault Detection of Vertical Rail Vehicle Suspension Systems。UKACC International Conference on Control 2012,Cardiff,589:589,2012-09
会议论文-> 魏秀琨,柳海,贾利民.Fault Detection of Urban Rail Vehicle Suspension System Based on Acceleration Measurements。IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics,高雄,1129:1129,2012-07
会议论文-> 郭建媛,贾利民,徐杰,康亚舒.Schedule-Based Passenger Assignment for Emergency in Urban Rail Transit Network。The Third International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Modern Railway,南昌,816:816,2012-09
会议论文-> 郭建媛,贾利民,徐杰,秦勇.An Algorithm for Trip Planning with Constraint of Transfer Connection in Urban Mass Transit Network 。2012 11th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering & Science,桂林,341:341,2012-10
会议论文-> 王艳辉,肖雪梅,贾利民,张晨琛.Hierarchical Network Model of Safe High-Speed Rail Operation。Railways 2011, Including 2011 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished Lecture ,Washington,49:49,2012-03
会议论文-> 王艳辉,肖雪梅,贾利民,秦勇.The Research on Searching Path Algorithm of Interoperable Recommendation Trust Based on MMAS。2010 Second International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation(ICCMS 2010),三亚,2010-12
会议论文-> 魏秀琨,蔡国强,秦勇,贾利民.Robust Fault Detection Dynamic Observer Design for LTI Systems。2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference,徐州,江苏,2010-12
会议论文-> 蔡国强,李熙,贾利民,秦勇,周莉茗.Interconnecting Approach of Train Network in Marshalling。Interconnecting Approach of Train Network in Marshalling,三亚,2010-12
会议论文-> 王艳辉,肖雪梅,贾利民.Research on Interoperation Access Control Based on OBAC and Dynamic Trust Management。The 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Mining(SEDM 2010),成都,2010-12
会议论文-> 范会川,魏秀琨,贾利民,秦勇.Fault Detection of Railway Vehicle Suspension Systems。The 5th International Conference on Computer Science & Education,合肥,2010-12
会议论文-> 魏秀琨,秦勇,贾利民.Robust Fault Detection Observer for Discrete LTI Systems。the 29th Chinese Control Conference,北京,2010-12
会议论文-> 蔡国强,贾利民.Railway Rolling Bearing Faults Diagnosis Based on Wavelet Packet and Probabilistics Neural Network。2010 International Conference on Managent and Engineering,武汉,2010-12
会议论文-> 董宏辉,贾利民,江伟,秦勇.A Perceptual Experiment Analysis on Level of Service in the road traffic。International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2009,中国 成都,2009-12
会议论文-> 董宏辉,贾利民,孙晓亮,秦勇,李晨曦.An Experiment Study on Level of Service for the Regional Road Traffic。2009 Fifth International Conference on Natural Computation,中国 天津,2009-12
会议论文-> 董宏辉,秦勇,贾利民.Chinese Prosodic Word Prediction Using the Conditional Random Fields。2009 Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery,中国 天津,2009-12
会议论文-> 董宏辉,贾利民.Road Traffic State Prediction with a Maximum Entropy Method。2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC,韩国 首尔,2009-12